I have been wanting to write about this topic for quite sometime.
In fact, it may be the topic that caused me to start this blog in the
first place. And I guess I have had opportunity before but a recent
article from WND (I know, I know) got me thinking about it again.
Now, the new "F" word is "faggot" which was uttered by the
infamous Ann Coulter, which I am sure all have heard about. That
isn't really what I want to talk about because in this case you have
a person who is simply trying to shock to make a point. Unfortunately
the point gets lost because of the shock. While I, as a Follower of
Christ, would see fit to refrain from degrading names, the point
that was trying to be made was a good one nonetheless. If you don't
know what it is then read up on it a bit and figure it out, it isn't what
I want to comment on right now.
In this article they referenced Tim Hardaway and his comments that he
"...hates gay people...". Again, as a Follower of Christ, I do my best
not to hate anyone. And I would guess that maybe Tim simply mis-
stated his feeling and would clarify that he hates the idea of
homosexuality not the people specifically. But that really doesn't
matter either way. What matters is what happened to him and the
comments that people made about what he said. Here is a portion of
the article pertaining to this:
"Then retired NBA star Tim Hardaway told a radio interviewer last
month: "I hate gay people ... I don't like it [homosexuality]. It
shouldn't be in the world or in the United States." He, too, was
forced to repent in sackcloth and ashes after he was banned from
NBA All-Star Game activities, lost a national endorsement deal
and was subjected to relentless nationwide criticism."
The reality of this situation is that we had a person banned, chastised,
penalized, ridiculed, and ostricized simply because of his personal
thoughts. Are we in America really free anymore?
I was watching a documentary following the attempted rehab of a
convicted pedophile. He had finished his sentence and was a perfect
inmate during his incarceration. After he was released, he wasn't
allowed to move back into society, rather, he was forced to live in a
trailer surrounded by huge steel fencing with barbwire on the grounds
of the prison. Sounds like solitary. They were able to get him a job
in the nearby town and he followed every requirement of his release
even when the idiot owner of the business he was working at, brought
the grandkids to work knowing full well that the ex-con couldn't be
anywhere near kids. The ex-con, as soon as he realized the kids were
there, grabbed his coat and literally ran from the building.
Part of his release terms required that he continue seeing a
shrink. Understandable. However, when the man told the
shrink that he still struggled with thoughts of children (which would be
expected, I would think) the shrink told the prison officials and he
was arrested in his barbed wire confined trailer and sentenced to prison
indefinately. Remember, he not once had violated the terms of his
release, he only shared his thoughts with the person that was supposed
to help him work through his situation. He was arrested, convicted,
and sentenced to what is the equivilent of life for nothing more than his
(SideBar: What affect do you think this action has on people who
struggle in these type of areas? This guy gets sentenced for life for
being honest with the person who is supposed to help him. Will
there ever be a person who is dumb enough to be honest about such
a struggle again? And can they ever hope to overcome it alone?
Doubtful. So this attempt at making society safer, results in making
society infinitely more dreadful. And millions of people hopeless.)
The immediate reaction by most of you will be pointing out that
we are talking about a pedophile here and no one will show sympathy
for such a person. That is fine. However, when you begin to tie
together what happened to that man with what happened to Tim
and countless others in this country and abroad, it should be
glaringly obvious that we are not talking about the horrors of
pedophilia here, we are talking about whatever the powers that
control this country deem as offensive.
The Scriptures call the Gospel a "rock of offense" and we are seeing
that this is showing itself true more and more everyday. Today, it is
the pedophile and the Tims and the Anns but tomorrow it will be
the preacher, the sunday school teacher and eventually the Bible
itself. Its happening now in Canada and the UK and Germany. It is
happening HERE.
It is called "HATE" legislation. And it should be fought at every step,
at every level, no matter the offensivness of the thought. There are
hundreds of people sitting in prison for what they think and nothing
more. True, many of them, none of us want out on the streets, but if
that is how we feel then make the punishment for their crimes more
harsh, don't keep them locked away for their thoughts!
As you continue to live out your days in this free country of America,
pay attention to "HATE' speech and "HATE" crimes and "HATE"
legislation and what they really mean. Because someday it won't
be the pedophile locked in the trailer behind barbed wire, it won't
be the Basketball star banned from society, it will be you. And then
there will be no one left to defend your freedoms. Heed this warning
and let's keep our freedom to share the "Rock of Offense" with the
world. For without it, all are lost.